
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dealing with inferiority complex (part one)

Inferiority complex is an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation. An inferiority complex is a persistent feeling of being inferior to others in some way. It is usually connected with a real or imaginary shortcoming in physical appearance, intelligence, personality, education, social status or economic status.


An inferiority complex occurs when the feelings of inferiority are intensified in the individual through discouragement or failure. Those who are at risk for developing a complex include people who: show signs of low self-esteem or self-worth, have low socioeconomic status, or have a history
of depression symptoms. Children reared in households where they were constantly criticized or did not live up to parents' expectations may also develop an inferiority complex. Many times there are warning signs to someone who may be more prone to developing an inferiority complex. For example, someone who is prone to attention and approval-seeking behaviors may be more susceptible. Also, children raised in families where everything is done for them, who have developed what Adler called a "pampered lifestyle". These individuals have developed a form of learned helplessness and are unable to overcome the problems of life without assistance.

1. You must admit that you feel inferior. It's the first step when trying to end this problem. You must tell yourself that you are not less important than other people and that the problem is in your head; the feeling isn't real. Search your memories for the origin of this complex. If you find out what started it, this may serve as the basis for your recovery. Facing the past is not easy, but sometimes you have to do it to heal.

2. Identify the symptoms of this feeling of inferiority. An empty stomach, nervousness, excessive sweating and trembling, are some signs that will warn you. Even if you are very used to feeling that way, experiment for a moment and think. You must be aware of that intangible thought that you yourself put in your mind. And it'll be yourself who gets rid of it, with time and patience.

3. If you can't overcome it alone and you're living in a constant state of depression, incapable of having relationships with people and leading a full life, seek psychological help. Don't be scared or ashamed, an inferiority complex is a very common problem and has a solution, just seek professional help and advice.

4.Try not to worry about what others think. Inferiority complexes arise from our constant concern about what others think about us. We oftentimes find problems with ourselves based on if others find us good enough. This isn't healthy thinking. Stop worrying so much about what others think about you. Only your opinion matters.

Sometimes these judgments are real, but many times they are imaginary. Focus on making yourself happy without worrying about what others think. And try not to make up people's judgments.


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