
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

10 Ways Of Organizing Your Home/Office

Office administration is a set of day-to-day activities that are related to financial planning, record keeping & billing, personnel, physical distribution and logistics, within an organization. Organization breeds success. A clean and well-kept office makes a strong impression on how employees view their jobs. To get started the following tips will help you;
organizing your office

1.     Develop a system for tracking your daily activities, such as a "things to do" list.
2.     Eliminate clutter, allot time for periodic sifting and sorting: discard, give away, or sell surplus possessions.
3.     Organize your office and home so everything is accessible; use active and inactive criteria for placing items.
4.     Use an organizing principle for organizing your files; alphabetically, by number, color, chronologically etc.
5.     For a few, a messy desk is the sign of genius. for most, a messy desk is the sign of disorganization and neglected paperwork. Budget regular time to file and clear off your desk.
6.     Get into the habit of dating what you are working on so it will be easier to keep it organized. Date written material on the front or back; incorporate a date into the name of a computer file.
7.     To avoid lateness, give yourself an extra 10 or 15 minutes to get to appointments.
8.     If you need additional help organizing and getting rid of clutter, take a course or a seminar, hire a time management consultant, read articles or books, or watch a related video.
9.     Create your own days or dates, on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis, to clean off your desk, your files, your closets, or to overhaul your organizing system.
10.                        Have a handy the names, addresses, phone numbers and pick up schedule for charities, recycling, or resale shops that will welcome your old stuff or reading materials to get rid of your clutter.

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